1 x Immersion

1 x Immersion


this 60-90min deep dive is a one time* immersion into what’s alive for you right now. whether you find yourself in a difficult season of your life and are in need of some extra support, or you’re struggling with your cyclical/hormone health and are looking for answers - throughout this 1x coaching session we’ll tend to the parts of you that are yearning to be felt, held or deeply loved and understood.

this immersion consists of...

a one time feminine healing session rooted in menstrual cycle awareness, polyvagal theory, mindfulness and embodiment practises.


a deep dive into your female cycle &symptoms where you’ll receive in depth, personalised insights into all things hormone healing and female balance.

*note: you’ll be able to use the value of this one time session as a discount for the three and six month coaching containers. so whether you would like to try out if working together would be something for you, or you are looking for a one time in depth coaching or cycle healing session… this one is for you.

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