Enrootment Sessions; allowing the body to lead.
Enrootment sessions are a way to open up the emotional, energetic and physical body… an exploration of your deepest inner waters, opening up new pathways for them to flow.
As we move through life, we move through many different experiences that provoke various emotional responses. However, in many cases, because of a lack of safety we’ll repress our internal experience and disconnect from our bodies over time, possibly resulting in energetic blockages, physical pain, numbness, hormonal imbalances, burnout, stress, and anxiety or depression.
These sessions represent a somatic approach to healing with safety as a foundation. For when we don’t feel safe, healing remains impossible. Yet when we feel rooted in our sense of safety we are able to open and feel. This is where the transformation happens; in the presence of safety, supported by a therapeutic framework that allows for deep, sustainable transformation. When we allow ourselves to surrender to the wisdom of our inner waters, allowing the body to lead.
What To Expect…
- arriving in softness
- a safe space to share from the heart
- allowing your nervous system to settle and arrive
- establishing boundaries, exploring safety
- a moment designed just for you, allowing your body to lead
- a deep dive into the wisdom of your body, opening up your inner waters and allowing energy to move and flow
- room for your body to go wherever she wants to go; from relaxation to emotional release - and everything in between
- closing with softness &tenderness, taking your time
- a moment of feedback and sharing your experience
- tea and allowing your nervous system to settle

“The only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going inside ourselves”
- The Body Keeps The Score

About the facilitator;
Welcome, Sweet Love. My name is Caro, founder and facilitator of this feminine healing space. A safe place for women to rise, and deepen their relationship with their womb, cycle, pleasure and self. Through cycle healing, bodywork, 1:1 coaching, group programs and women circles I help to create a safe space for the wildest parts of you to bloom.
Explore the internal waters of you…

What Others Are Saying.
“Caro weet als geen ander een veilige ruimte te creëren waarin je kan thuiskomen bij jezelf. Ze stelt je vanop het eerste moment op je gemak. Met haar kenmerkende zachtheid en uitgebreide kennis helpt ze je (terug) verbinding te maken met je hoofd en lichaam. Mijn enrootment-sessie met Caro bracht me helderheid en rust. Voor herhaling vatbaar!”
- S., bodywork
Mijn eerste ervaring met enrootment lichaamswerk was bij Caro. Caro ontvangt je me met zo veel liefde en warmte. Ze creëert meteen een veilige plek waar je in vertrouwen een interne reis kan maken. Ik vond het heerlijk om eerst even te landen bij haar door middel van een theetje, gevolgd door een geleide meditatie alvorens het lichaamswerk van start ging. Het lichaamswerk was een magische, alsook intense ervaring. Ik startte de sessie met best wat onverteerde emoties die klachten aan mijn maag en middenrif veroorzaakten. Tijdens de sessie zijn de spanningen losgekomen, mijn emoties beginnen stromen en voelde ik me enorm gedragen door Caro. Na het lichaamswerk heb ik op een veilige manier mijn ervaringen en emoties kunnen delen en blijft Caro met veel warmte en liefde dragen en ondersteunen. Ik ben enorm dankbaar voor deze geweldige ervaring en de impact hiervan op mijn lichaam en geest. Ik voelde de dagen na de sessie een enorme ontlading en verlichting”
- E., bodywork
“The coaching sessions with Caro were like a gentle and soft, yet firm and profound deep dive into myself. She carries such an inviting, soft, feminine and sweet energy. Our coaching sessions allowed me to see things in a new way; I became aware of patterns which allowed me to start healing them.
It was so nice to have a set date every week to have someone check in with me. As a space holder myself, it reminded me how important it is to also receive someone else’s medicine — and oh my does Caro have such a gentle and beautiful one. She made it very easy for me to open up and even when tears showed up, she embraced them with the most understanding energy.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to be guided by Caro. If you are looking for more guidance, or if you feel stuck within a certain situation or time in your life, I can highly recommend her as your loving guide. Thank you so much sweet Caro, you truly are angelic.”
- Hélène, 1:1 Coaching
“Moon Woman is a safe healing space for sharing and learning all aspects of the female cycle. I gained so much new information about my cyclical nature and how it affects my whole life. The program showed me the beauty of my cycle and helped me understand myself on a deeper level, which has helped me to become much more gentle with myself. Caro taught me to appreciate my body, cycle and femininity. I am more than grateful for being a part of moon woman. She shares her wisdom about women and the beauty of their cyclical nature in a safe and healing space that she holds for each and every woman in the circle. I always felt heard, seen and supported. I definetly would recommend joining Moon Woman.”
- Sabrina, Moon Woman